This year, I’ve been sending my newsletter out (mostly) monthly and in it, I’ve tried to offer a variety of entertaining things to read, from short stories to excerpts from my books. But what do YOU want to read? What would make you smile when you see me in your inbox? Please comment below or reply to this email and let me know!
Do you want to read bonus scenes/bonus epilogues for existing stories?
How about exclusive scenes from a side character in my stories?
Character interviews? Info about the setting?
Short stories?
First chapters of my books? Sneak peeks of stuff that I’m writing?
Or more about me, personally, and my (incredibly boring) life?
Please let me know!! I want to know how to make you open my emails enthusiastically, eager to read what I’ve sent.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Any or all of the above, release news and snippets in particular.